B.C. Rich Kerry King Signature Series Reviews 3

I bought the NJ series model and it smokes for just over 500 bucks and is the best guitar for the money.

Everything, the sound, the looks, the feel, great tribal graphics.

I wish it would have came with the Kahler tremelo instead of the Floyd Rose but thats what the USA model has so Im not really complaining for the deal I got.

Construction is solid but not like the USA. Why cant they all be built out of mahogony?

Bottom line is I would not get rid of this thing for the world, except maybe for the USA model with the Kahler and EMG 81's. As for the guy with the Fender Strat that thinks Slayer has no talent and would set it on fire like Jimi Hendrix. As I recall that was a Fender that Jimi torched on stage. Dumb Ass! At least for someone that WAS talented unlike you, put that Fender where it belongs, IN HELL! HAIL SLAYER!!!

Slayer #1 rated this unit 4 on 2004-03-28.

I bought this pathetic excuse for a guitar at the local guitar shop for $300.00. It came with the guitar, a cheesy strap, poster, picks, and a very cheesy headband !

Oh man, nothing at all, it is horrible.

God, where do I start ? It is not USA made, very poor craftsmanship, noisy, cheap BC Rich humbuckers (C'mon...BC Rich are not known for making pickups), just about everything.

Poorly done, with cheesy tribal graphics.

I suppose this guitar would be ok if you are a teenager who listens to nothing but Slayer, Slipknot, and the other nu-metal bands who have no talent whatsoever. But I honestly would buy this guitar as a prop, then I would put my Fender Strat (American) on my stand, pull this BC Rich out, and do the Jimi Hendrix move.....set it on the floor and light it on fire.

Fender Man rated this unit 1 on 2004-01-12.

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